Saturday, 25 May 2013

How to Be Beautiful Naturally

A lovely simplistic message for people wanting to do all they can to improve the appearance of their skin...... 

The question is: how to be beautiful? Different people would have different answers to give. A makeup artist will tell you all the makeup secrets to look beautiful, a grandma will have her old methods to be beautiful and if you ask a religious personality, a priest for example, you will probably be told that it’s more important to be beautiful from the inside than on the outside. In reality, it’s a mixture of everything and not to forget, you’re eating habits and daily diet routine plays an important role in how you look as well.
Today, the main question is not how to look beautiful but how to be beautiful naturally. In short, we are leaving the makeup tricks and tips aside and only talking about the natural ways to look beautiful, pretty, charming and glowing. Here are those 5 top tips to look beautiful without the use of makeup.

How to be Beautiful without Makeup?

By giving these tips, we don’t mean to ask anyone to stop doing makeup at all. All we want for you is that you look beautiful with makeup and even when you don’t have it on.

Be clean, clear and neat from the inside. This includes your heart and mind. Cleanliness doesn’t necessarily mean that you think badly of others but it also means that you clear your mind from depression, stress, tension and whatever feelings cause trouble to you.

Sleep well, sleep on time, sleep for adequate hours and sleep every night. You’d be surprised to see the result of proper sleep on your face. At the same time, you’d be shocked to see the aftermath of not sleeping on time or at all. Your facial skin loses all the brightness, shine and glow when you don’t sleep well; what happens to your eyes is a different story altogether.

Eat a healthy diet. Eat raw vegetables in the form of salads without adding mayonnaise and other fatty stuff. Drink raw vegetable juices, healthy smoothies and milk shakes but make sure to be moderate in that. Eat foods rich in iron, zinc, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin b12 and b6. Avoid excessive oily stuff, junk foods and foods that fill you more with harmful fats than useful ones.

 Stay clean and in hygienic conditions, and keep a note of all those little but crucial things such as: cleaning your face with clean towel, pat drying rather than rubbing, taking off your makeup before sleeping, not touching your face with dirty hands, keeping your clothes neat, cleaning your makeup brushes regularly etc.

 Exfoliate, scrub and love your face through the homemade masks. Keep your face moisturized and exfoliate regularly to keep your pores opened. Cleanse your skin whenever necessary and avoid lotions, creams or other cosmetics that have high fragrance. Use natural products and apply masks with lemon juice, honey, coconut oil, aloe vera and other natural ingredients for fair and glowing skin.

The answer to the question “how to be beautiful” doesn't always lie in applying – half of the beauty comes from avoiding or not applying things. Your skin isn't set to trouble you by default or even if it is, there must be an external factor that makes your skin trouble you. In short, if you are taking a proper diet, taking care of hygienic conditions around you, avoiding what you should not do to your skin and being natural to your natural skin, there are thin chances that you’ll have issues with your skin. Hence, you are not to pick new bottles and jars from the aisle to look beautiful but better look at your dressing table and remove a few items that are not needed.