Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Too Many Diet and Nutrition Programs ?

Suzy Dorning http://slimminghelp4u.com/
In these modern times life should be easier than in olden times but in actual fact there is T.M.I (too much information) and it can all get so confusing. This is particularly relevant where diet and nutrition programs are concerned. I hope this helps.

In this article I will briefly cover 3 very different diet and nutrition programs. With such an abundance of diets it can all get a bit confusing so how do you choose the one that best suits you as an individual? I suppose the first question to ask yourself is, am I a meat eater, a vegetarian or a vegan? Perhaps you are all three but you eat meat only occasionally in which case the Flexitarian diet is the best choice for you. 

As the name implies is a flexible diet and balanced in every sense of the word. Although it is mainly vegetarian, whenever you feel the urge to chomp on some meat you can within reason. Tests have proved that Flexitarians weigh 15% less than their all consuming meat eating counterparts. Evidence shows that they also have a reduced rate of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes and on average live 3.6 years longer too! Look up Flexitarian recipes because they are delicious and include whole grains, vegetables and fruit which means it’s a whole foods diet. 

The food is presented in its natural state so you get all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients unlike processed food.  The recipes also include eggs, tofu, beans, lentils, peas, seeds, nuts and more. Now as most of the recipes use plant-based foods it makes sense why fewer calories are consumed and why weight loss on this diet has proved to be so successful. It’s a well known fact that most of us add more salt to our food than we need and that coupled with the salt already added to the processed foods we buy exacerbates the problem. The recommended daily quota is 2,300 mgs and the good news is a sample daily menu from this diet provides 1,349 mgs. There is a lot to be said for the Flexitarian diet but there are other good ones to choose from. In fact there are numerous diet and nutrition programs but I’m only giving tasters on 3 of the best. Ultimately their aim is weight loss but the programs are totally different.

Is a diet meal plan that delivers to your door or you can collect from local pick-up-points. It is just the answer for busy people who simply do not have enough time to be preparing nutritious balanced meals. The plan offers choice and variety using fresh, healthy food. There are 3 complete menus Traditional, Low-carb and vegetarian plus a full substitution menu. It is more affordable than most of the other diet meal delivery companies and it’s worth mentioning that they do offer a free diet analysis before you commence and support is available to you when needed. I believe there is no contract or cancellation fees so a big thumbs up for this one. If you’re looking to lose weight but don’t have time to count the calories, then this diet and nutrition program is the easy way forward.

Weight Watchers Diet:
Is probably the best known diet and nutrition program in America and the UK. It uses a pro- points system instead of working out calories so each food scores so many points value based on its carbohydrate, fat, fiber, calories content and obviously the lower the points the better because you are allocated so many points a day and if you go over you can dip into bonus ones but once you have used up all of these then you probably won’t have lost any weight that particular week. You can eat what you like as long as you keep within your daily pro-points target based on your gender, weight, height and age. Weight Watchers holds meetings where you weigh in each time you go and your weight is then recorded on your record card. 

When you are first weighed you are asked how much weight you would like to lose and a goal is set. However, it does work better for some people particularly those extremely overweight to set smaller goals and when achieved they can re-set their goals. This way they don’t lose heart. The big advantage of meetings is that it gets people motivated and into a routine and the support from the leader and other members helps the individual keep on track. On this healthy diet you should lose on average 2 pounds a week.

In conclusion each of these diet and nutrition programs will help you lose weight and hopefully keep it off but the key to real success is by combining healthy dieting with regular exercise.

Would you like to know about rapid weight loss diets? They might be worth steering clear of as they are Not Substantial Diet and Nutrition ProgramsWhy not try my free gifts to aid you in your weight loss journey http://slimminghelp4u.com