Saturday, 2 November 2013

Exercises for Abs and How to Strengthen Abs With Pilates

All muscle groups revolve around the middle of the body, or 'the core' as it is known in Pilates. There are many variations on how to strengthen abs with Pilates, and even doing one session can begin to add stability to the abdominal muscles.

  1. How to Strengthen Abs with Pilates

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      Pilates consists of controlled movements that tone and strengthen muscles for a total body workout. Since many exercises for abs use the 'core' there are many different exercises that can be done. Breathing and posture are very important when doing any exercise in Pilates. The basic method to breathing while doing this activity is to breathe in slowly with the nose and back out with the mouth. During ab workouts, breathing out while working the muscles can ensure that the lungs release the air, and there is more flexibility within the core.
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      Ab curl

      One of the most basic exercises to strengthen abs with Pilates would be the Abdominal Curl. Begin by laying on your back, with the weight of your body resting in the feet. Place a folded towel between the thighs to help the body keep not only the alignment of the hips, but also to tighten the thigh muscles. Put your hands behind your head, at the bottom of the skull and point the elbows up towards the ceiling. Avoid pushing the chin down to the chest, and the best way to prevent this is to pretend there is a small ball under the chin and breathe inward. When you exhale, pull the core down to the floor and then lift forward in an ab curl. As soon as you have gotten as far as you can curl, release back to the floor in a slow and controlled motion. It is also important to use the hands to support the head, not pull up on it.
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      Reverse Ab Curls

      For another activity, you may want to find some sturdy furniture that you can hold onto from the bottom. Lie on the back, and grab a hold of the furniture with knees bent in the air and ankles crossed. Breathe in and then exhale, pulling the ab muscles to the floor and raising the legs to the chest. Breathe in again, and on the exhale push the legs out to the starting form.
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      Leg Stretch

      One of the most popular Pilates moves is the Single Leg Stretch. It may be a little harder than other ab exercises, so if ab curls are strenuous, wait to do this move until you feel comfortable with the strength level. Start by laying on the back, with knees bent and pulled into the chest. Hold the knees in place with your hands, and breathe in. On the exhale, curl the abs so that the muscles are tight and the upper body is off the floor. Move your hands down to the ankles, and inhale. Next, breathe out and extend the right leg out and pull in your left leg near your hands. Keep the extended foot near shoulder level from the floor, and keep the upper body off the floor. As you breathe in and out, change legs in a back and forth method. Once you become advanced, you can also do this move with hands extended or behind the head.
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      After doing an ab workout, be sure to stretch the muscles. A great pose to do this is the Cobra which can not only stretch the ab muscles, but it also tones and strengthens back muscles. Lie facing down with the forehead on a flat cushion, and arms bent at the sides. Breathe in, and on the exhale, lift the upper body as far as possible and hold for 30 seconds. Don't use the arms to push you up, but only for support. Lower down slowly to the floor and breathe out.