Saturday, 15 February 2014

Foods That Slow Metabolism

Slow metabolism - 4 foods that slow metabolism - You do not want slowing down your metabolism, but you want to run. A slow metabolism, it is almost impossible to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight, it is important to take steps to protect themselves from having to deal with this problem. Only working regularly and learn how to avoid these foods, you can protect yourself against a slow metabolism.

Refined carbohydrates
Refined foods like white bread, pasta and rice are easily broken down by the body due to complex carbohydrates are taken from them. This means that your body has to work very hard to digest the nutrients found in these foods that slow metabolism, leaving it to a crawl. 

Refined carbohydrates do not offer much nutritional value anyway, it is better to eat bread, pasta and brown rice. These options have their metabolism to work to digest nutrients, so it helps to slow metabolism.

Foods that slow metabolism, best to stay clear 
To slow metabolism, sugar creates an increase in glucose levels in the blood and it's rapidly absorbed into the system. These two scenarios really help in the process of slowing down your metabolism, whether you realize it or not. 

Avoid foods with excess sugar in them is the best idea to slow metabolism, but to eat from time to time will not hurt your weight loss journey over time. You may want to consider replacing some of their candy, chocolate and ice cream with fresh fruit, which will satisfy your sweet tooth without causing an increase in glucose levels.

Fatty foods
Foods that are high in fat can easily damage your metabolic rate. Fat is not as easy to digest than other foods that slow metabolism. Fatty foods create a scenario in which your body does not know what to do with all this. In this case, you're slowing down your metabolism and taking a rest while your body begins to store fat for future use. 

The result is not only a slow metabolism, but an increase in body fat as well. Avoid fried foods and fast foods, and instead engage in things like baked goods and low in fat to help keep your sweet tooth at bay chips.

Foods high in pesticides
According to Prevention magazine, Canadian researchers have concluded that slowing down your metabolism could be due to the chemicals in fruits and vegetables that are supposed to slow metabolism. In fact, some pesticides may even increase weight gain and help to slow metabolism. 

To avoid this potential problem, buy organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible, and always wash and peel non-organic to help minimize exposure to pesticides. Although this process does not completely remove contaminants, can go a long way in reducing the chances to slow metabolism. - Foods That Slow Metabolism