is a state of inner absorption and concentration, like being in a trance.
Hypnosis is usually done with the help of a hypnotherapist using verbal
repetition and mental images. When you're under hypnosis, your attention is
highly focused, and you're more responsive to suggestions, including behavior
changes that can help you lose weight.
A few
studies have evaluated the use of weight-loss hypnosis. Most studies showed
only slight weight loss, with an average loss of about 6 pounds (2.7
kilograms). But the quality of some of these studies has been questioned,
making it hard to determine the true effectiveness of weight-loss hypnosis.
loss is usually best achieved with diet and exercise. If you've tried diet and
exercise but are still struggling to meet your weight-loss goal, talk to your
health care provider about other options or lifestyle changes that you can
make. Don't rely on weight-loss hypnosis alone because it's unlikely to lead to
significant weight loss.