Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Walking Weight Loss is the Key

Suzy Dorning
Lose weight walking combined with a healthy diet for really successful results. Any exercise should be enjoyable not purgatory and what is there not to like about walking especially if you plan your walks and the weather is fine. You can make them interesting by varying the routes when you feel like it. Walking on treadmill weight loss can be as effective and can be done whatever the weather.

Can you Lose Weight by Walking?

Walking for weight loss seems to be right down at the bottom of the list when it comes to popular exercise regimes but why should this be? Yes, there are other forms of exercise but most of them cost money and equipment whereas walking is free and all you need is a good pair of walking shoes or trainers. For some people it is boring unless they’re in with others but an MP3 player is a good substitute; you can listen to your own taste in music or a book on tape. Planning interesting walks makes all the difference to the experience. There are walking groups for those who enjoy social interaction combined with keeping fit. It really is the most natural form of exercise and you can lose weight walking there's no question about it!

To get started you need to get into a routine so try just 20-30 minutes 3 times a week every other day. Then you can gradually increase the duration from 30-60 minutes per day and introduce another walking day – you will be well and truly hooked! Indeed, you will wonder how you ever existed before without it.  

Of course walking weight loss is also dependent on what sort of diet you’re on. Being on a good healthy diet should reduce your calories and this coupled with a brisk 30 minute walk on a daily basis is bound to burn even more calories. If you really want to lose weight walking, then you’ll gradually need to increase the duration and speed up the pace. Generally speaking you need to burn 500 calories per day to lose a pound a week. It is important to remember not to overdo it at the beginning. Too much too soon might lead to injury. It’s better to start at a comfortable pace and gradually build up the intensity as your body gets used to walking. Even when you have reached your ideal weight you will need to keep walking if you want to maintain your weight.

Walking on treadmill weight loss can be combined with walking outside or for those who simply haven’t got time it’s an effective alternative. If you have room to accommodate a treadmill in your home, that’s good but if not you can use one at your local gym. I use a treadmill at my fitness club but I prefer to walk rather than run because it makes me feel dizzy when I start running and I think I’m going to lose my balance. I can assure you that if you are like me and only want to walk, then that’s fine because you can still lose weight by programming the treadmill tailored to your personal weight, level (start low to begin), speed, duration and introduce the incline (as though climbing a hill) when you are ready for this. Before any of this you will need to warm-up for about 5 minutes to prepare your body for the workout ahead.

Walking briskly on the treadmill increases your heart rate and in so doing burns off those fat deposits. Some treadmills differ but usually the speed settings are marked 0 – 10. The running mode starts after 4.5 on the treadmill I use but it can vary depending on the equipment used. On the screen you will be able to keep track of your heart rate, the number of miles walked and exactly how many calories you have burned. 

Monitor your heart rate on the screen as you walk. To burn those calories make sure you stay between 75% and 90% of your target. I think the incline makes the workout far more interesting. The settings are between 0 - 10 so you can increase the gradient from being completely flat right up to the steepest incline. In conclusion whether you go outdoors walking or prefer using the treadmill, either way you can lose weight by walking if you make it part of your daily routine.

If you would like to learn more about walking check Walking Weight Loss   or check my website Diet and Nutrition Programs