Thursday, 17 October 2013

Benefits of Swimming for Weight Loss

Swimming is often considered when exploring options for weight loss. As a form of exercise, swimming allows you to work a number of parts of your body and provides gentle resistance necessary to burn fat and develop muscles. There are a number of benefits to using swimming as a means of losing weight, especially when paired with a health-conscious diet that provides balanced nutrition with a reduced caloric intake.


Calorie Burning

According to the Mayo Clinic, swimming laps burns approximately 423 calories per hour if done by an individual who weighs 160 lbs.; this increases to 528 calories per hour for an individual weighing 200 lbs. and 632 calories per hour for an individual weighing 240 lbs. This can be compared to other popular forms of exercise such as power walking which burns 314, 391 and 469 calories for those same weight levels, and low-impact aerobics which burns 365, 455 and 545 calories for the same levels. Although exercises such as running (606, 755 and 905 calories) and jumping rope (861, 1074 and 1286 calories) burn calories at a faster rate, these exercises are typically higher impact and require more endurance to perform over an extended period of time.

Cardiovascular Health

Swimming is an aerobic exercise, meaning that it increases the heart rate and promotes an increase in heart and blood vessel health. Because the heart is being worked in addition to other muscles, additional calories are burned and weight loss may occur faster than with forms of exercise that focus primarily on specific muscle groups. This can also bring with it the added benefits of reduced blood pressure and a reduced chance of heart attack or other cardiovascular health problems.

Total-Body Exercise

Swimming promotes the development of lean muscle mass through the added resistance provided by the water; depending on the type of water that you swim in, it may provide 12 to 14 percent more resistance to your muscles than exercising in open air. This lean muscle mass isn't focused on any specific part of the body, providing you with a more well-rounded form of muscle development than some other forms of exercise. The total-body development of lean muscle improves your overall body composition, and the increased metabolic activity of lean muscle results in you burning more calories at rest as well.

Low-Impact Weight Loss

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend swimming as a form of low-impact exercise, especially for individuals who are overweight, suffering from bone density loss or are otherwise unable to participate in higher impact forms of exercise. The buoyancy of water can reduce the effective weight of the body by up to 90 percent, reducing the strain in ankles, knees and other joints that might experience pain or other problems during land-based exercises. This allows individuals to exercise more freely and enjoy a larger range of motion while in the water, reducing or eliminating the pain or instability that might otherwise prevent them from exercising.

Mental Health Benefits

Studies referenced by the CDC show that swimming improves the mood of both men and women, and exercises performed in warm water have been shown to decrease the symptoms of depression as well. Fibromyalgia sufferers have reported decreased anxiety while undergoing water-based exercise routines. Swimming is also beneficial to the development of family bonds in families where one or more children suffers from a developmental disorder as it allows all members of the family to engage in an enjoyable activity together.

Chronic Diseases and Disabilities

In addition to reducing the chances of heart attack and other cardiovascular disorders, swimming can have a positive effect on other chronic diseases, reports the CDC. Swimming regularly can reduce complications associated with diabetes and increase the overall health of the diabetic individual. Sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis have reported more health improvements during water-based therapy including swimming than with other forms of therapy, and individuals suffering from osteoarthritis report a reduction of pain and a greater ability to use affected joints when swimming regularly.

Swimming and Pregnancy

Unlike some other forms of exercise, swimming is considered safe for expectant mothers because it is a low-impact activity. The buoyancy of the water reduces stress on the mother's joints and helps to support the weight of the developing fetus, making it an exercise that can be performed late into pregnancy. Women suffering from extreme mood swings and depression during pregnancy may experience more mental stability and improved moods. Care should be taken to avoid heated pools, hot tubs or saunas, however, as extreme heat can have a negative effect on fetal development. Women without much swimming experience should perform basic stretches before swimming to avoid injury.

Establishing a Swimming Routine

Before beginning any new exercise routine or diet plan, consult your doctor to receive his recommendations. This will not only give you a professional opinion to base your exercise routine on but will also provide you with a starting weight and body mass index that you can use to track your progress. Your doctor will likely help you develop a swimming routine that fits your current state of health and exercise needs. The CDC recommends that individuals swimming for exercise swim for two and a half hours per week to attain health benefits, so your swimming time should be scheduled in such a way that you can meet or exceed this recommendation. If you are new to swimming, work up to that two and a half hours per week in small increments of time every day or every other day to avoid exhaustion, muscle cramps or other problems that can be dangerous in the water.